Monday, October 25, 2010

Readings for Wk #7

How Internet Infrastructure Works /

A very simple and easy to understand breakdown of how the back-end of the Internet works. It's something most of us use daily without thinking, it's helpful to know how my computer at home links up to the network. (This has been especially timely for me because, thanks to some heavy rain storms, my internet has been spotty or nonexistent lately. It's amazing how a few little broken wires in a junction box can kill internet connection for an entire neighborhood.)

Dismantling Integrated Library System / Library Journal

The article shows some of the challenges of adopting and managing integrated library systems. These systems form the back end of library management systems, including cataloging, circulation, serials management, and OPACs. They sometimes have to cover the gamut of specialized library functions as well: reserves, digital resources. As technology has grown exponentially over the years, ILS systems have had to adapt. Libraries have sometime had to create their own modules or systems to meet their changing needs because ILS vendors can't (or won't) deliver these necessary customizations within already stretched library budgets. I'm very sure that more libraries will be turning to open source ware or hybrid products to meet their needs.

Sergey Brin & Larry Page on Google / TED

It was interesting to hear more about the most popular search engine from its creators. I like their 20% rule rule: employees spend 20% of their work day doing whatever it is they think is best to work on. It's from these side projects their able to make big breakthroughs & innovation. Because they nurture their employees' passions, Google has been able to grow & they're still in the top10 most desirable companies to work for.

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