Sunday, October 10, 2010

Readings for Wk #6

Local Area Network & Computer Network / Wikipedia

These articles explained how computers can be connected to communicate & share resources among several users. There weren't really any sticky points in either article that I couldn't follow or understand.  One thing I didn't know before was that ARPANET was the first computer network. (I had thought it was CERN, with Tim Berners-Lee creating the Internet). Although my home has four computers, printer, game consoles, & a fax machine, I never really though of the whole thing as a personal area network.

RFID/ Coyle

I'm confused about this part of the assignment - didn't we read/discuss this earlier in the semester? Here's what I posted to the DB then:
 I do think that RFID can be useful in libraries only if the privacy concerns of the patrons are carefully addressed before implementing this technology. Libraries have a responsibility to protect the privacy of their users & make sure that they understand tools the library uses to safeguard their materials. The library should have a "plain English" privacy statement posted on their website & in other prominent places in the library. Reference & circulation staff should also explain the purpose of the tags to assuage the concerns of library users.
For library staff, RFID can help guard against theft or loss. It could also save many, many hours of staff time in collection maintenance. But, because of the high cost of implementation, many libraries can't adopt this technology.

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